How to transfer photos from phone to computer

How to transfer photos from phone to computer

For the time being, it's easiest to create your Teamprint on a desktop or laptop computer, therefore you'll need to transfer your photos from your phone to your computer. It's quite a simple process but not one that everyone is familiar with. This guide will show you how, whatever phone and computer you have.

It is possible to transfer photos from your phone to your computer wirelessly, but this is usually more complicated than using our recommended method of using a USB cable. This way you will be getting the best quality photos from your phone.

A note on emailing

Emailing your image can work but can also lead to loss of image quality, due to email apps reducing the files size to make them faster to send, so using a phone cable is still preferred. If you do try emailing, make sure if the email app asks you what size to attach, you choose 'Original' file size and not a scaled down version.

Don't transfer using social media apps

Using apps like Whatsapp, Facebook or Instagram is not recommended. These apps will scale down your photos and reduce the quality so they won't print out as well.

Guide to transferring photos to your computer using a USB cable

The two most common scenarios will be to transfer photos from an Android phone to a Windows PC or laptop, and from an iPhone to an Apple Mac computer. If you're not sure which you have, unless you have an iPhone you almost certainly have an Android phone.

We'll be writing our own guides on how to do this but for now, here are some Youtube videos that show you how.

I recommend the WorldofTech channel on Youtube which has loads of guides for specific phone types, so check it out if these ones below don't show your phone type.

    1. Transfer photos from an Apple iPhone to a Windows PC or laptop
    2. Transfer photos from an Apple iPhone to an Apple Mac
    3. About the Apple .HEIC format
    4. Transfer photos from an Android Phone to a Windows PC or Laptop
    5. Transfer photos from an Android Phone to an Apple Mac

1. Transfer photos from an Apple iPhone to a Windows PC or laptop

2. Transfer photos from an Apple iPhone to an Apple Mac

3. About the Apple .HEIC format

When you download your photos from your iPhone, you may find they're in the .HEIC format. You will need to convert them to .JPG before you can upload them. This is very simple to do.

If you have an Apple Mac, one option is to open them in the Preview app which is already installed on all Macs, and then File/Export them as .jpg files.

If you you have a PC or laptop, this video will help.

4. Transfer photos from an Android Phone to a Windows PC or laptop

There are too many different Android Phones to post video for all types here, but the WorldofTech channel on Youtube has most covered. Just search for your phone type and you'll find what you need.

5. Transfer photos from an Android Phone to an Apple Mac


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